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Desk with Book

About Me

Behind the Words

Hello, I'm indie author Michelle Heron, nice to meet you. I'll start off by saying I’m a newer indie writer with just a few short years of experience in the publishing world. I have three titles available on Amazon and in Kindle Unlimited. You can find those titles in the Currently Available Tab. 


For me writing has always been a passion of mine and it's a way I’m able to express my thoughts and ideas with the rest of the world.


I've always loved reading and writing but it wasn't until high school that I actually considered it as a career. Fast forward a few years to 2007 when I published my first novel A Sister's Obsession. 


A Sister's Obsession was published through a publishing house that unfortunately went out of business not long after I published and my story fell off the grid. Losing hope for publishing again I took a huge step back from writing to focus on reading... however my writer's brain just wouldn't shut off.


Let's jump a head now to 2015. In 2015 my grandfather took sick. When we arrived at the hospital to say our goodbyes I told my grandfather that I'd honour him by pursuing my dreams of becoming a published author once again.


Then my journey began. I took 6 months to research everything I could about writing a book. I did the characters, found out how to publish, the whole nine yards. Come November, NanNo 2015 I wrote a novel title Someone and Something Unexpected. This novel flew through me and it currently sits around the 70k mark, but life kind of happened and my interests were sparked by another project and then another, and before I knew it Someone and Something Unexpected had been left behind.


That being the case, in 2016 I released my Debut Indie Novel titled The Moment Everything Changed - which is now called When Everything Changed.  WEC, is a story about one year of my life, one of the hardest to be exact. TMEC follows the characters Ariana Parker and Emmett Harrison through their first year of High School. Their story features abuse of various kinds so please be advised when purchasing it.


My 2nd Indie book called Hidden Under the Surface, was released in August of 2018. This story was an idea I came up with one afternoon and I basically just ran with it. (Look for more details in the Currently Available tab).


My latest release is a Tattoo Biker Romance. The idea presented itself when I wrote a business plan for my brother who was trying to open his own tattoo shop. I did a bunch of research into the industry and when my brother finally did open his shop I spent a lot of time emerged in the atmosphere and naturally it sparked a story. 

Anyways, have a look around my writing portfolio and get in touch with me if you have any questions.

A Little More About Me: Bio
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